More than 62 million people in the United States, or one in five people, identify as Hispanic.
7 months ago, Jason Hervey
Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates people living in the United States who have ancestors from countries where Spanish is the primary language. The term “Hispanic” was created in the 1970s after the U.S. census started.
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15 each year because El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Nicaragua all observe their Independence Day on that date. Mexico (September 16) and Chile (September 18) also celebrate their Independence Day.
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
The big Homecoming game is Friday at 7:00 (not 7:30). Be loud, be proud, and get there early! We will have overflow parking at Lee and MS with shuttles running before the game to the stadium. We also want to remind you that it would be best to have your tickets purchased ahead of time and printed off (or take a screenshot) as cellular service at the stadium can be suspect. Go Foxes!
8 months ago, Caddo Mills ISD
online only tickets
homecoming parking
Order your Middle School Yearbook Now!! Sale ends Sept 15
8 months ago, Vanessa Bean
first sale order
Great Job to our MS XC Runners at the Miller Grove Invitational yesterday
8 months ago, Vanessa Bean
Noah Grimes 10th place and Kamryn DeAnda 7th place
MS XC Girls
MS XC Boys
When President Johnson created Hispanic Heritage Week, he asked teachers to create celebratory curriculum about the accomplishments of Hispanic people.
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
President Lyndon B. Johnson officially created Hispanic Heritage Week on September 17, 1968. The idea, as Johnson explained it, was to honor the impact that people of Hispanic descent have had in the United States.
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 to October 15 every year. It was started in 1968 and has become a national celebration that includes arts festivals and music events from New York to Los Angeles.
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
Go Gold tomorrow at CMMS!!! Beat the Canton Eagles and supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness! #2710
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
To purchase Student Accident Insurance please review the 2023/24 Supplemental Student Accidental Insurance forms located here -
8 months ago, Caddo Mills ISD
Accident Insurance
Case King showing his Dorset and Dorset Advantage breeding sheep today at the North Texas State Fair in Denton. He won Grand Champion Dorset Ram, Reserve Grand Champion Dorset Advantage Ram and Reserve Grand Champion Dorset Advantage Ewe.
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
A few Construction workers ready to demolish Community tonight! Let's go Foxes! #2710
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
There is a power issue in Caddo Mills and we will be releasing students early. Parents can pick up students starting at 11:45. Buses will run 3 hours ahead of schedule. If you cannot pick up your child due to work obligations or traffic issues, we can keep them on campus. Internet and phones are down district wide so please share.
8 months ago, Caddo Mills ISD
100% of students in Mrs. Mills Drone class took and passed their Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) this week. We are ready to fly!
8 months ago, Jason Hervey
Band Kick Off Camp has started!
9 months ago, Jeremy Wofford
Band Kick Off Camp
Caddo Mills ISD Parents and Guardians, We want to make you aware of a new law that was recently passed during the 88th Texas Legislative Session. In response to the growing concerns involving electronic cigarettes, House Bill 114 was passed, requiring a mandatory Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) placement for any student found in possession of, under the influence of, selling, giving, or delivering of an electronic cigarette. This also includes a component, part, or accessory for the device, regardless of whether the component, part, or accessory is sold separately from the device. As Caddo Mills ISD will enforce this new mandate, we need your help. Understanding these consequences needs to begin at home, so we are asking you to take a moment to discuss this new law with your children. Thank you for your ongoing partnership in your students' education. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new law, please contact your students' campus administration.
9 months ago, Jason Hervey
Attention all CMISD Guardians and Students: This year CMISD will be using REMIND for all campus/family communication. In an effort to implement Remind, we recognize that parents and students may be able to see what appears as schedules. At this time, ALL schedules seen on any platform are NOT correct. Campus Administrators are working hard to resolve errors and complete schedules for Meet the Teacher Nights. Therefore, schedule change requests will not be addressed at this time. Thank you for your patience as we continue to grow and learn.
9 months ago, Caddo Mills ISD
Remind and Schedules
Look what just came in.....congrats to our school and all of the hardworking Beta students!!! #2710
9 months ago, Jason Hervey